Russia Fee details








Obtaining Degree Duration of studying
General Medicine (MD/MBBS) 6 years
Pediatrics (MD/MBBS) 6 years
Dentistry (Bachelor of Dentistry) 5 years
Pharmacy (Bachelor of Pharmacy) 5 years
Nursing (Bachelor of Science Nursing) 4 years
Master, PhD, Doctorate, Clinical Residency, other post graduate educational programs 2-3 years


Dagestan State Medical University

General Medicine/ Pediatrics/ Dentistry:

English medium: 1st year: 5000 US$; 2-6th years: 4000 US$

Russian medium: 1-6th year: 3500 US$

Pharmacy/ Nursing/ Preventive Medicine:

English medium: 1st year: 5000 US$; 2-6th years: 4000 US$

Russian medium: 1-6th year: 3500 US$

Post Graduate Education (Masters, PhD, Clinical Residency): 1-3rd yeas: 4000 US$

Accommodation/ Hostel Fee per year: 400 US$ per year

Preparatory/ Premedical Department: 3000 US$

Other expenses: (medical insurance, medical checkup, temporary residence permit): 300 US$ (every year)

Other first year expenses: 1800 US$ (one time upon arrival)


Siberian State Medical University

General Medicine/ Pediatrics/ Dentistry:

English medium: 1st year: 5700 US$; 2-6th years: 4700 US$

Russian medium: 1-6th year: 4000 US$

Pharmacy/ Nursing/ Preventive Medicine:

English medium: 1st year: 5700 US$; 2-6th years: 4700 US$

Russian medium: 1-6th year: 4000 US$

Post Graduate Education (Masters, PhD, Clinical Residency): 1-3rd yeas: 4000 US$

Accommodation/ Hostel Fee per year: 1500 US$ per year

Preparatory/ Premedical Department: 3000 US$

Other expenses: (medical insurance, medical checkup, temporary residence permit): 300 US$ (every year)

Other first year expenses: 1800 US$ (one time upon arrival)


Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

General Medicine/ Pediatrics/ Dentistry:

English medium: 1st year: 9000 US$*; 2-6th year: 8000 US$*

Russian medium: 1-6th year: 8000 US$*

Pharmacy/ Nursing/ Preventive Medicine/ Public Health:

English medium: 1st year: 6000 — 9000 US$*; 2-6th year: 5000-8000 US$*

Russian medium: 1-5th year: 5000-8000 US$*

Post Graduate Education (Masters, PhD, Clinical Residency): 1-3rd year: 8000 US$*

Accommodation/ Hostel Fee per year: 1st year: 1200 US$; 2-6th year: 600 US$

Preparatory/ Premedical Department: 4500 US$

Other expenses: (medical insurance, medical checkup, temporary residence permit): 300 US$ (every year)

Other first year expenses: 1800 US$ (one time upon arrival)


First Moscow State Medical University

General Medicine/ Pediatrics/ Dentistry:

English medium: 1st year: 11000 US$*; 2-6th year: 10000 US$*

Russian medium: 1-6th year: 10000 US$*

Pharmacy/ Nursing/ Preventive Medicine/ Public Health:

English medium: 1st year: 5700-7800 US$*; 2-5th year: 4700-6800 US$*

Russian medium: 1-5th year: 4700-7800 US$*

Post Graduate Education (Masters, PhD, Clinical Residency): 1-3rd year: 6000-10000 US$*

Accommodation/ Hostel Fee per year: 2400 US$**

Preparatory/ Premedical Department: 4500 US$

 Other expenses: (medical insurance, medical checkup, temporary residence permit): 300 US$ (every year)

Other first year expenses: 1800 US$ (one time upon arrival)


*Tuition fees for First Moscow State Medical University and Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University are fixed in Russian Rubles. 

The above written fee details for both Universities are counted according to the conversion rate of 1US$=60 RUB. 

Fee may vary according to the conversion rate. All other Universities fee details are fixed in US$ and will not be changed.

 **Minimum fee is mentioned. Fee depends on settlement type.


I.S. Turgenev Orel State University:

General Medicine/ Pediatrics/ Dentistry:

English medium: 1st year: 5500 US$; 2-6th year: 4500 US$

Russian medium: 1-6th year: 4000 US$

Pharmacy/ Nursing/ Preventive Medicine/ Public Health:

English medium: 1st year: 5500 US$; 2-6th year: 4500 US$

Russian medium: 1-6th year: 4000 US$

Post Graduate Education (Masters, PhD, Clinical Residency): 1-3rd year: 3500 US$

Accommodation/ Hostel Fee per year: 600 US$

Preparatory/ Premedical Department: 2500 US$

 Other expenses: (medical insurance, medical checkup, temporary residence permit): 300 US$ (every year)

Other first year expenses: 1800 US$ (one time upon arrival)


Other Fees for First year:

Equalization of Educational documents by Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation: 400 US$






Aerospace Engineering

Aeronautical Engineering

Rocket Engineering


Airport Management

Aerospace Management



Computer Engineering

Computer sciences

Information Technology

Information Technology Engineering

Computer Hardware & Software Engineering




Electrical Engineering

Electronics Engineering

Electromechanical Engineering

Mechatronics Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Architecture Engineering

Oil & Gas Engineering

Petroleum Engineering

Biomedical Engineering




International Economics

Business Administration


Accounting & Audits

International Economics Relations



There are available all courses in Russian Language and students, who want to study in Russian language

they have to study 1-year Preparatory department before starting the required courses.


Obtaining Degree Duration of studying
Bachelor 4 years
Master 2 years
PhD 3 years


Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University


English medium: 1st year: 4500 US$; 2-4th year: 3500 US$

Russian medium: 1-4th years: 2500 US$


English medium: 1st year: 4500 US$; 2nd year: 3500 US$

Russian medium: 1-2nd year: 3000 US$

PhD: 1-3rd year: 3000 US$

Accommodation/Hostel Fee per year: 1000 US$

Preparatory Department: 3000 US$

Other expenses: (medical insurance, medical checkup, temporary residence permit): 300 US$ (every year)

Other first year expenses: 1800 US$ (one time upon arrival)


I. S. Turgenev Orel State University


English medium: 1st year: 3500 US$; 2-4th year: 3000 US$

Russian medium: 1-4th years: 2700 US$


English medium: 1st year: 3500 US$; 2nd year: 3000 US$

Russian medium: 1-2nd year: 2700 US$

PhD: 1-3rd year: 3000 US$

Accommodation/Hostel Fee per year: 600 US$

Preparatory Department: 2000 US$

Other expenses: (medical insurance, medical checkup, temporary residence permit): 300 US$ (every year)

Other first year expenses: 1800 US$ (one time upon arrival) 


Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University


English medium: 1st year: 4500 US$; 2-4th year: 3500 US$

Russian medium: 1-4th year: 3500 US$


English medium: 1st year: 5000 US$; 2nd year: 4000 US$

Russian medium: 1-2nd year: 4000 US$

PhD: 1-3rd year: 4000 US$

Accommodation/Hostel Fee per year: 300 US$

Preparatory Department: 4500 US$

Other expenses: (medical insurance, medical checkup, temporary residence permit): 300 US$ (every year)

Other first year expenses: 1800 US$ (one time upon arrival) 


Other Fees for First year:

Equalization of Educational documents by Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation: 400 US$


ATTENTION: Preparatory course is compulsory for students, who want to study their main course in Russian medium of instruction.

2 комментария на «“Russia Fee details”»

  1. Arbaj Anwar Shaikh:

    Respected sir,I want to take admission in russia. Can you tell me about admission details and low fee structure college.